11: Paperback Book: Find Joy in Creativity: Over 50 Ideas for Kids (Paperback)

11: Paperback Book: Find Joy in Creativity: Over 50 Ideas for Kids (Paperback)

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The purpose of this book is to teach children the creative process through the ABCDE Method: Ask, Brainstorm, Choose, Do the Plan, Examine and also the PIXY Process: Preparation, Incubation, Xpand, You Do the Work! Reading and discussing the concepts in this book with children can help them learn how to be creative.  Creativity requires the skills of imagination, patience, expansion of ideas, and doing the work. Creativity can add a wonderful dimension to children's lives.

The more children identify, understand, and use each of the six communication styles, the more effectively they can deal with all types of problems and people. This book features interactions between a Negotiating Zebra and Teamworking Swan.  In this Creative Collaboration Trilogy, you will see demonstrated how each style works best with the communication style right next to it on the communication spectrum.  The Negotiating Zebra and Teamworking Swan both care about relationships and work well in groups. Understanding the six different methods of communication can transform children into Character Education Heroes!

This book is special because wherever a PIXY appears on a story page, a matching hidden PIXY can be found on the corresponding illustration page. The Puzzle Difficulty is listed on the puzzles. For the hard puzzle, children may need help from teachers or parents. Download the puzzle sheets at CEHeroes.com.